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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

(Editor’s note: Please welcome Adrian Mercer with a great post on long distance parenting. Thanks Adrian!)

Being a parent for your children while working is one of the critical issues worldwide. I personally want to resolve this issue, because for me, this is one of the primary reasons for a child to do bad and finally, to commit a crime. Without any guidance from our parents who are working away from home for our own sake, we siblings are lost in the jungle of sins and temptations.

How to be a child without the guidance from your parents?

Each day a man grows into something. But developing without any guidance from our parents can be compared to tracing something without any dots, impossible for us to create that something. And without that, we won’t know where to start. Even though my parents don’t work away from home, I’ve felt being lost too when my father passed away. I, being a teenager without a father can be compared to a blind man seeking my way out of the dark.

Have you ever felt the feeling of being ruptured while watching some children in the beach, having some fun together with their parents, sharing their quality time in a bonding moment? Does it hurt? A pleasant view but for those without parents, I’m pretty sure it feels like being stabbed in the heart.

For me, this is the number one source of crimes in the whole world except poverty. Why? Because without a parent to teach you about the right path that you must take, life will eventually push you to be in the wrong path. The growing number of crimes committed by children that age 17 yrs. old and below is the primary evidence of this parenting problem.

Tips to be a parent while working away from home:
There are thousands of ways to be a good parent. But being a good parent away from home is not an easy task. I can give you some advice to become one even if you’re out for work.

First is to express love and affection.
A warm hug, a lot of encouragement, soft cuddles, appreciations or approval and even a little smile can boost your children’s self-confidence and well being. But how can you give it even if you’re away for work? Writing them some letters is not a bad idea, this can prove that you’re still exerting some effort for them and not only for your work.

Be involved in your children’s life by listening to them. Let them feel that they are always welcome to ask and to talk something with you. Having a good conversation while away from your children is not that easy. But with technology, it won’t be that difficult. Video calling is one of those ways to communicate with them.

Give orders
Set limitations. Curfews and bedtimes are only few examples of boundaries. These can help your children feel that they are being cared and loved by you, the parents. Expect some possible arguments from these limitations but it will ensure that your children will feel that you care for them.

Secure them
Calling them as frequent as possible is a nice thing to do. This will keep you updated with their daily activities and condition. Keep telling them about the do’s and don’ts, this may sound very irritating for them but it will also ensure you that they will apply them. Always keep in track on their locations. This will help you know where to go if ever they call for an emergency.

Always tell that you love them
This sounds to be corny but this tells it all. By saying this, your children will feel the warmth from you. This will make them realize that you’re just around, that they can always call you if they have problems to share and if they need your advice. Your love means a lot to them.

Adrian Mercer is a family oriented person and a father of two, but always far from home because of his job and always finding a way how to monitor his children’s safety whenever his out of town. He tried almost everything but he kept ending up failing. Then, after months of searching, he found the easiest spy a phone method to finally monitor his children while on out of town. And he wants to share it to every working parent out there.

Photo provided courtesy of rjg329 via creative commons license.

Earnest Parenting: tips for parents who work away from home.