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3 Ideas for Spring Break Fun

(Editor’s note: today we have some suggestions from Anna at Kumon.com for ways to make spring break special this year. Thanks Anna!) Special Spring Break Ideas Spring break offers the last extended break for children before summer begins. This year, think about...

3 Reasons Parents get Frustrated with Children

Last week I shared the story about me getting angry with the older boys and taking a time out by leaving the house for a while. It wasn’t a fun day, but things worked out better than I would have predicted. John’s comment under the post really got me...

Angry Mom Has Fit, Boys Clean Up

Last year I asked the question: Am I a Failure at Homeschooling? At the time, things got so frustrating with the boys hating school and me being incapacitated with the knee injury that Hubby and I told the boys that there was nothing left to do but enroll in public...

Do Parents Live Vicariously Through Their Children?

April’s guest post from Monday about what makes good parenting had a line that said “most parents end up living their dreams vicariously through their children, or pushing their desires on them in the belief that they’re looking out for their child’s...

One Take on What Makes a Good Parent

(Editor’s note: today’s post is from April Davis, with a very strong opinion about what makes a good parent. Definitely a thought-provoking piece. Thanks April!) What is Good Parenting? Amy Chua’s book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, has not just raised...