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Accidents Will Happen

Every parent knows that children are at high risk for injuries – bumps and bruises are often part of the daily routine. Car crashes; drowning, accidental poisoning, fires, falls, and suffocation are some of the most prevalent causes of serious injury in children....

Preparing to Potty Train: 4 Tips for New Parents

Raising your first child can be quite the journey. There are sure to be some mistakes you’ll make and surprises you don’t account for. However, being prepared is a great way to be ready for some of those encounters you may experience, especially when it comes to...

Watch Out for Holiday Hazards

It’s almost Christmas day, Heroes! Hanukkah is just over, and we’re in Kwanzaa as well. Then of course, we’ve got New Year’s. All of these holidays so close together mean that there’s plenty of opportunity for injury. Check out the...

The Importance of Respecting Boundaries

An open letter to a family I’ve never met: Dear Family, A little over 2 years ago, our family cat Callie died at the age of 17. Because of my allergies, Hubby insisted that we take some time and go without pets for a while and see how it went. My health improved...