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Parenting a Child With Cerebral Palsy

Welcoming a new baby into the home is generally a positive and hopeful experience. Parents have great plans for the future of the child and look forward to each new developmental phase. But for parents of four out of every 1,000 children born, the developmental phase...

Could Your Child Have Autism?

The statistic is staggering: 1 out of every 88 children is being diagnosed with autism, which means more than one million children in the United States are currently affected by the disorder. The medical costs for families who have a child with autism are...

End of the Second Week of the School Year

And good things to report!  I got an absolutely GIGANTIC reward this morning.  See, last year one of the tricks I tried to make things more palatable was to let the older boys work independently on handwriting, spelling practice, and the phonics workbook.  This...