by Amy LeForge | Oct 27, 2013 | Adolescence
As you get older, you will notice that time goes by faster. That is why it is important for you to enjoy yourself while you are young. Many young people get in trouble trying to have fun, but there are several things that you can do to stay out of trouble while having...
by Amy LeForge | Aug 21, 2013 | Resources/Reviews
I received a disturbing note recently. Here is an excerpt: While summer is winding down, there are still plenty of opportunities for celebration and social gatherings: kids going off to college, Labor Day celebrations and summer BBQs while the weather is still nice....
by Amy LeForge | May 13, 2013 | Adolescence
With High School graduation right around the corner and the weather warming up, our teenagers are out on the prowl for a good time, and most likely, a good party. Our kids are typically aware of the negative effects of alcohol by now. However, what many teens don’t...
by Amy LeForge | Mar 19, 2013 | Tween
If you’re concerned about how to discuss alcohol with your pre-teen, you’re not alone. Many parents are nervous about beginning the conversation regarding alcohol and drug use, but the truth is: the more comfortable you seem towards your child, the more...
by Amy LeForge | Oct 1, 2012 | Adolescence
Parenthood is a daunting task- you must ensure that your kids stay safe and healthy while helping them grow into independent, well-adjusted young adults. According to a 2001 study, 12.8% of all fatal traffic crashes were alcohol-related in the United States, and 40%...