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Magic Manners at Mealtime Winners

All right, gang. I went through the comments at the Magic Manners post and listed everyone in order of their comment. Assuming I got it correctly, the list is as follows. (Next time I’m going to remember not to chatter in the comments of a giveaway post so I...

Endeavor Printing

Good Thursday, Internets! Today we have a post from Aleya of Endeavor Printing. Aleya is a mom who started a small printing business with her husband. They’ve worked very hard to create some great services for people. Check out her note at the end of the post...

6 Tips to Get Your Child Reading

Gillian from LittleHeroes.com put up a great blog post outlining tips to get your child’s nose into a book and I wanted to share the tips with you. And add some insights of my own. 😀 What would life be without my input? (gotta love my modesty today,...

Wherein I Admit A Little Secret

Joe at Fathered Five tagged me for a meme about my book-reading habits. I’ve been avoiding putting the truth down in writing here at the blog, but it has to come out sometime. I haven’t read a book in at least a year. There. I said it. Okay well, I wrote...