by Amy LeForge | Nov 16, 2013 | Finances
Editor’s note: we don’t talk a lot about marriage here, because it’s such a huge topic in its own right that the occasional article would never do it justice. It is, however, frequently a foundation of the family and as such, this article is a good...
by Amy LeForge | Nov 9, 2013 | Finances
College is a great time of life, but the whole purpose for getting that education is to prepare young people for the rest of their lives. What they do during those last couple of college years and the first years after graduation can dramatically influence the rest of...
by Melissa Cameron | Aug 25, 2012 | Finances
Time to face the inevitable; your teen is slowly turning into an adult. Well, maybe it doesn’t seem to be ‘slowly’, but the ‘inevitable’ is right at least. And, with this realization comes the adjustments you both will face. Whether they opt to go to college, or dive...