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When Monkeys Throw Wrenches*

So. Remember when I fell down skiing and hurt my knee?   I actually did quite a bit of damage:  tore 3 ligaments and the meniscus, contused the bones, and developed a blood clot in my leg.  Impressive, eh? I aim to please. After walking with crutches and wearing a...

Am I a Failure as a Homeschooler?

I’ve had the “add new post” window open on my laptop for two days now. I stare at the blank screen, unsure of what to type exactly. I want to tell you about our latest homeschooling…..mess. But it’s messy. I don’t even know how this...

The State of the Relationship

I’m going to be honest, my relationship with the older boys has not always been easy. There are certain aspects of their collective personality that either clash with mine or at the very least are completely incomprehensible to me. Is this their fault? Nope. Mine? No,...