by Amy LeForge | Mar 3, 2014 | Adolescence
If your child is reaching that age where it’s time to have a conversation about peer pressure and drug use, you may be feeling apprehensive. Maybe you remember squirming as your own parents fumbled through this conversation, or perhaps they never had it with you...
by Amy LeForge | Nov 16, 2013 | Finances
Editor’s note: we don’t talk a lot about marriage here, because it’s such a huge topic in its own right that the occasional article would never do it justice. It is, however, frequently a foundation of the family and as such, this article is a good...
by Amy LeForge | Oct 23, 2008 | Parenting
All right, I have a question for you. Do your children have a toy that drives you crazy? If so, what is it? And why do you let them play with it? I’ll kick things off by answering in the comments. Won’t you join me? Earnest Parenting: help for parents of...