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Building a Better Student: The Social Swamp

For a lot of students, school is just an excuse to stretch their social muscles. Too often it’s the only reason they still get up and go each day. They’ve completely checked out of the educational aspect, and simply live for the social interaction with their friends....

Education Options: Homeschool vs. Private Education

As parents and guardians, it’s natural for us to want the best education possible for our children. But with such a range of schooling options available nowadays – homeschooling, state school, private school, Steiner school, unschooling – which should you...

5 Misconceptions About Homeschooling Your Child

There are many people out there who believe that homeschooling children is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, these misunderstandings may be attributed to not truly understanding the involvement of this educational practice as witnessed by comments...

Why Online School Works Wonders for Gifted Kids

A recent news article published by Voice of America looked at a growing trend amongst parents to home school children with the help of online school. It’s offered children a chance at a better education, particularly when the traditional school fails to address their...