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How to Choose the Best Insurance Provider for Your Family

Choosing the right health insurance plan for your family can be a pretty demanding task. In fact, many people keep postponing the task, but it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make. What’s more is that this is a decision for your whole family, so...

Lower Your Teen’s Car Insurance

Teenagers and cars. A blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you can hand some of the driving responsibilities over to your children. On the other hand, you may need to pay an insanely high car insurance premium due to the fact that teenagers are notoriously bad...

How to Plan for a Family

Deciding to start a family is one of the most transformative experiences in someone’s life. Bringing children into the world is a big deal in every conceivable way and there’s a great deal of planning that goes into it. Although it can be debated that no one can ever...

Underage Drinking – A Parent’s Liability

With High School graduation right around the corner and the weather warming up, our teenagers are out on the prowl for a good time, and most likely, a good party. Our kids are typically aware of the negative effects of alcohol by now. However, what many teens don’t...