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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Monday Giveaway Linky: Painted Hands Edition

Good Monday, Heroes! I type to you right now with all sorts of interesting black splotches on my hands. Splotches that will, most likely, stay on my hands for a week or more. It’s a longish story. See, my brother-in-law came to visit from Florida. He flew into...

The Towel Saga, Continued

So. A few weeks ago I shared with you the story of the Bathroom Towels that Are Driving Me Batty. Recall? Well, Internets, I have an update. To recap. When our sad story began, the bathroom floor routinely looked like this: Mind you, this is a bathroom used primarily...

Woman Loses Mind Over Towels on Floor

I’m not a neat freak or a germaphobe. Really. I’m not. But I am someone who finds clutter stressful and order….relaxing. Also? I don’t like the idea of getting sick and throwing up. Especially hate the throwing up part and would rather not...