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College Students Need to Choose Majors Wisely

Happy Tuesday, Heroes! I thought you’d enjoy a peek at the infographic below about college majors and what choices can result in good paying careers. I do think that looking at the pay structure of any field is a good idea, but we shouldn’t encourage our...

Handy Guide Helps Teens With College Choices

So….college. It looms before us. You feeling that way? Yet? Now that the older boys are 14, college-or at least post-high-school training-is a regular topic. We’ve talked about costs and locations, and have a couple of general plans in mind. It is...

Help Your Teen Choose the Right Career

When your son or daughter comes to you looking for advice on what to be when they grow up, you might have a hard time holding back ideas. After all, we want the best for our children, and we believe they can be the best at whatever they do. If you take a moment to...