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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Yikes, I got tagged for a meme by Joe from FatheredFive. You have to read his list, it’s hilarious (sorry, the site no longer exists). I’ve been pondering it for over a day now, and I have to admit this is a difficult one. I have to come up with 8 things all by myself about myself that are interesting. But not too embarrassing. Sheesh.

Okay, well here goes.

1. I went through modeling school a few years after I started teaching. I worked enough promotional jobs to pay myself back for the tuition. It was a good experience, but I’m not cut out for that profession.

2. I have a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology: Instructional Design and Technology. Which means I can write instructional materials, curriculum, etc.

3. I enjoy science fiction shows like Stargate SG-1 and Dr. Who.

4. I never had to wear braces growing up.

5. For the second decade of my life I was a horsewoman of moderate skill. I still have dreams that I have forgotten to clean the barn or feed the horses.

6. I love to sew. A full day of just playing with fabric and my sewing machine is heavenly.

7. I’ve been to Europe 3 times, but never to France.

8. I’d love to work in a florist shop and learn how make arrangements.

Okay. Phew. Got that done. I tag



 Tea Party Girl



Earnest Parenting: help for having fun occasionally.