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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

I’ve been scarce this week because (cue trumpets here) the boys are all away from home. The older boys are at camp until lunchtime on Friday and the younger ones are at Grandma’s until Sunday. After a whirlwind of todo lists and errands about town I’ve determined that at least one more day in this week is necessary. 🙂

The older boys were dropped off at camp Sunday evening, so Monday Hubby and I took the younger ones to see Kung Fu Panda. What a cute movie! The boys (all 3 of them) were highly amused. I enjoyed the movie as well; it was more fun watching the boys laugh at the screen. We still need to take the older boys to see it. I’ll let you know if they love it as much as their brothers.

I’m working on some behind-the-scenes changes here at the blog. Oh hey, I forgot to tell you that my one year anniversary was on Monday. Can you believe it? I’m still amazed. Plans are afoot to add a new category or two and streamline some of the others. I’ve also got aspirations for another website or two; more information on those developments in a month or two.

Oh, I wrote about fruit over at GNMParents (now ForeverParenting) as promised. My posting day over there has changed to Mondays. (I just knew you wouldn’t be able to enjoy your day without that little tidbit of information.)

Life goes back to the normal chaos when the boys get home, so I’ll be back to writing more regularly shortly. In the meantime have a lovely Friday and I’ll see you soon. Smooches!

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who are taking a break.