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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Are you a blogger? Do you want more readers? Are you a blog reader interested in finding new blogs? Chuck Westbrook is proposing a unique new way to connect lesser known blogs with new readers. You can get all the details at his post and more information will be forthcoming.

My holiday prep series continues at GNMParents (now ForeverParenting) with a post on gift making and/or purchasing. Next week we’ll talk food. 🙂 I love food. You know…as long as it’s yummy. And not fish. Or soup.

Moving on.

It’s been another busy week here at Earnest Parenting. I was hoping to get the photos of the caterpillar mansion edited and posted, but no such luck. Perhaps tomorrow. I’ve also been working on a new site and I’m planning to unveil it very soon. Little hint: it involves something you may want to give as a Christmas gift to certain small people in your life, and there will be a discount available for readers of this blog. Woohoo! Discounts!!

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to take care of business.