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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Hello, friends! We have a lovely article today from Debbie Bills. Debbie writes about happiness over at her blog, HappyMaker Now. Do make her feel welcome*, won’t you?

A is for ATTITUDE: Teach those little ones to have a good attitude and they clearly will grow up to be positive people.

B is for BALANCE: Life always needs to be in balance. Give them emotional stability and they will learn to keep life in balance with priorities in order.

C is for CAN: When learning something new let them know they can do this. Teach them that they can achieve their heart’s desire. Remembering never to take anything away from another or hurt another to get were they want to go in life.

D is for DREAMS: Allow them to dream. Let them know that dreams are visions and ideas that obviously can come true with persistence.

E is for EASY: Teach them life certainly can be easy and fun with a positive attitude. Show them that even things you really don’t like doing are fun if you make a game out of doing them.

F is for FUN: Let them have fun and enjoy being a child. They will grow up soon enough, so let them play outside in the rain or snow being a kid exploring nature.

G is for GENTLE: Being a boy or girl, be gentle with them. They will grow up being a gentle and understanding person.

H is for HAPPY: Show them how to make the best out of any moment or situation. Help them see the good side of things and they will always find happiness.

I is for IMPORTANT: Teach them that they are very clearly important in this world, because there is not another person like them. They are unique just like a star in the sky.

J is for JOY: Let them always know the joy they have brought into your life. They will be delighted and end up giving you the joy back.

K is for KIND: Be kind to them, just like you like people to be kind to you. They definitely will grow up being kind to others.

L is for LOVE: Give them lots of love. Love comes in a lot of forms. Speak it, show it and don’t forget the patience. Little ones need lots of patience, because they are learning at all times.

M is for MOMENTS: Enjoy every moment of their little lives, they grow up real fast.

N is for NICE: Always be nice to them, their little feelings can be damaged very easily. Tell them all the nice things about them. Let them know that they are treasured.

O is for OPEN: Always be open to who they are and understand them as their own little person. Don’t treat them at any time like they don’t understand, because they do understand more then we know. Even when they ask WHY, they are trying to understand.

P is for PERSISTENCE: Do not destroy their persistence even when you have to tell them no. Explain that you like their persistence, but teach them when it is a good thing to have and to use.

Q is for QUIET: Teach them when to be quiet and listen. They will grow up to be good listeners.

R is for RAINBOWS: Show them the rainbows and the beauty of them. Let them know that it’s a promise and don’t forget to introduce them to the beauty of nature. Stop and smell the flowers with them. Find the fun things in the clouds and always teach them about walking in the mud after the rains.

S is for SPECIAL: Always always let them know how special they are. How much they add to your life.

T is for TALENT: Watch them, study them and find out what their talents are and always encourage them to use them. Let them know they are good at what ever it is. Do not ever underestimate their talents. After all Walt Disney was terrible in school, because he was too busy just daydreaming.

U is for UNDERSTANDING: Those little ones can be trying, but always try to understand were they are coming from. They are like little sponges trying to soak up everything in their world. We teach them to stop, look and listen; we must remember to do the same.

V is for VALUABLE: Let them know they are the most valuable thing in your life. Tell them their thoughts, ideas and the way they do things are valued. Let them know they are precious and know one could ever replace them.

W is for WISDOM: Teach them good judgment, common sense and read to them to give them knowledge.

X is for X-RAY: As a parent there are times when you will need x-ray vision. Good luck with that one!

Y is for YARD: Always have yards or a place for them to play in on those not so good days. You will keep your sanity and they will survive.

Z is for ZEST: Teach them to be excited about life. Give them the zest for living. There life will be full of love and excitement. They will grow up to be happy productive adults.


Debbie Bills shares the Secret to Happiness. Everyone can find the happiness they richly deserve by visiting Debbie’s blog at HappyMaker Now When Mom and Dad are happy she has found that the children are happy.

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