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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Welcome to Fun For Your Friday Saturday, Internets! We’re a day late but well rested here at Earnest Parenting. After several consecutive looooong days of going to the fair, we took yesterday off.

And by “off” I mean the boys cleaned their rooms, fed the chickens, went swimming, and loafed in front of screens. I cleaned the entry way, washed several loads of clothes, cleaned the kitchen, spent 3 hours preparing for vacation Bible school, and started catching up on the hundreds of emails that were lying in wait. If you’ve written me lately, I’m still working my way through the list. Thanks for your patience!

Welcome to the July 30, 2010 edition of fun for your friday.

Nithin R S presents My Words: Self-reliant posted at My Words, saying, “This is something i wrote after seeing a dad teaching his girl to ride her cycle without fear on a road.”

Usman presents Top Twenty Facebook Funny postings posted at Top Twenty Lists.

Ben Scholz presents A Jellyfish Bad Day posted at The Daily Grind, saying, “A story about a diver who has an unfortunate experience with a stinging jellyfish!”

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who like the occasional day off.