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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Hello, new friend! I met so many wonderful women at BlissDom ’11; my heart is full and I’m so awed to have met you and had a chance to chat this week. Thank you for stopping by the blog! If you’re looking for the Heroes In Parenting project, you’re in the right place. On the HIP page you can see a description of the project and nominate a parent you know who’s heroic (scroll down for the form).

All HIP nominees will be featured here on the blog and notified by email that they were nominated. If they have a blog, they can take a badge to show off their HIP status (no link-backs are required…totally optional!). I’ll also highlight them in the monthly newsletter and I’m working on a Heroes Gallery. (There’s a rough version up now, improvements are underway.)

You can help by nominating a hero. If you can’t think of one now, feel free to bookmark the HIP page and come back later when you see a parent doing something wonderful and want to acknowledge that wonderfulness.

Thank you again SO much for stopping by and please leave me a comment so I know you were here.

Earnest Parenting: excited to meet new friends from BlissDom