(Editor’s note: ever spent an hour or more looking for decent printables online, only to get overwhelmed and quit? Rest easy, heroes! James has a handy list of resources for us in his guest post today. Thanks, James!)
If you are looking for printable learning resources for your children online, you have come to the right spot. There are hundreds and hundreds of websites that offer printable for your children, but not all of them are created equal. You must carefully discern and look through the materials to make sure that it is age appropriate, educational, and relevant to your child’s needs. Below you find a unique list of ten websites that have been proven to provide top material to children of all ages and skill levels. With all that the internet has available, you will never have to purchase a workbook again! Vast arrays of printable learning resources are available to you and your child within the comfort of your own home.
1. Free Printables for Teachers
A wonderful resource not only for educators, but also for parents. You are able to print off flashcards, worksheets tailored to your child’s unique and fun games to play. This site offers everything from short vowel sounds to digraphs. With the focus on phonics, you will find an abundance of material geared for those children having difficulty reading.
2. Webbing into Literacy
This link will provide you with printable alphabet books and many other Kindergarten readiness resources.
3. Activity Village
This helpful resource has everything available from crafts to award certificates to printable pictures to color. You will be able to find a ton of creative ideas on this site.
4. Starfall
This has long been a favorite site for many children because of the fun online games that they offer, but they have recently added several printables. Parents are able to generate their own personalized worksheets to target specific areas that their child is struggling in.
5. The Preschool Mama
The Preschool Mama offers a variety of easy to do activities and printable for preschool age children. She offers printable rhymes and stories, as well as some wonderful advice on manners and how to conduct yourself in social situations.
6. Twiggle Magazine
Twiggle Magazine offers printables to go along with a theme from each month of the year. Have fun creating crafts while learning all your shapes and colors. This website offers some exceptional ideas on how to celebrate holidays throughout the year with printable learning activities.
7. Kearny Public Schools
This is a link that was intended for the use of parents and teachers in this school system, but is more than a wonderful resource to many sites available on the internet for children and printable resources.
8. Reading A-Z
This is one of the best websites available for printable books that children can easily decode and have success in reading. They also offer other materials and worksheets for students to practice building sight word recognition and phonics skills.
9. Totally Tots
Totally Tots has tons and tons of ideas, recipes, projects, and alphabet recognition activities that are easy to print off and use with your young child. This website will help guide you in some very creative ways to get your child learning.
10. Math Fact Cafe
Math Fact Cafe is one of the best math printable websites you can find. You will be able to print off flashcards, premade worksheets or to make your own. This is an ideal site for a student who is struggling in math.
As said before, there are so many sites on the internet available to you for printing interactive and educational resources for your children. Many places will charge a fee, but you can certainly find several sites that will offer this to you for no cost. It is important that we supplement our children’s education with additional materials at home. By taking advantage of all that is offered to us free of charge, we can ensure that our children will retain the information that they have been taught. These resources are also wonderful to use in preparing your child for Kindergarten. As a parent, you can give your child the gift of a lifetime by investing into their future and providing them with the help that they need to succeed.
Today’s guest post has been contributed by James Adams who is a full time writer and a reviewer at Cartridge Save.co.uk, suppliers of HP laser toner cartridges in Britain.
Photo provided courtesy of reway2007 via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
Earnest Parenting: tips for parents who want good printables.