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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Phew, I’ve gotten SO many links sent in over the past month or so! Here are plenty of parenting resources for your reading pleasure.

Roxanne says: We recently published an article 10 Things Nannies Don’t Usually Do for Families.

Paul reports: We would love to share with you an article that we just posted on our own blog! 10 Reasons Parents Call Their Sitter.

Tina shares: 10 Ways to Monitor your Sitter/.

Roxanne reports: I wanted to share with you one of our new favorite posts called, 20 Telling Stats on Parenting Today.

Abby let us know: we posted an article, 10 Signs Your Child is Ready for Self Care.

Susan offers: 10 Secrets to Implementing Timeouts at Home.


Earnest Parenting: helping parents find resources online.