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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Happy Friday, heroes! Today is the very last Fun For Your Friday. After more than a year of doing this carnival, it’s time to close the doors. I’m still doing the Parenting Link Roundup, which has gotten a good deal more participation. 🙂 That carnival will run once monthly in future.

For my laugh today, I bring you a photo that made me laugh for well over 5 minutes that a friend posted on Facebook.

You’re welcome.

Welcome to the August 10, 2012 edition of fun for your friday. TB presents When Snow Piles Up | Blue Collar Workman posted at Blue Collar Workman, saying, “Well, I took a bad situation into my own hands, and got a little revenge in the most humorous way I knew how.”

Savvy Scot presents Roatan String of Pearls posted at Savvy Scot, saying, “Savvy Scot writes about the experience of the phenomenom of string of pearls whilst diving in Roatan.”

Zhu presents Picture of the Week: Hungry Pigeon | Correr Es Mi Destino posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying, “Recently, a new sign was put up by the entrance of the Ottawa Pub­lic Library: “Do not feed the wildlife”. The pigeon pos­ing by the sign seemed par­tic­u­larly offended. “But I’m hungry!””

Mike Gonzalez presents “Penguins. Penguins don’t fly.” posted at Wood Ticks and Laughing Fits.

Anne Gerding presents 6 Degrading Summer Jobs and the Celebs Who Worked Them posted at Online Classes.

Andi presents Misadventures in Dim Sum posted at Misadventures with Andi, saying, “Misadventures with eating food”

That concludes this edition, and the carnival in general. Past posts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who like to have a little fun on Friday.