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A healthy smile is one good sign of a happy child! A child’s teeth start forming before birth. At the age of four months, the baby teeth or also called as primary teeth will erupt through the gums. Typically, there are 20 primary teeth that will appear when the baby turns to age three. Yet, their order and pace of eruption varies from one child to the other. Permanent teeth will then start appearing at age six and will continue until the child turns to age 21. To help ensure a lifetime of good oral health, read on and adhere to some preventive measures to correct teeth formation in your child.

Begin early! Usually, the baby’s first tooth appears at the age of six months. Start cleaning the child’s teeth every day. Schedule an appointment with the dentist and establish a dental plan such as periodic cleaning. As more teeth appear into place, use a soft tooth brush to clean your child’s teeth. Parents or dentists should clean the child’s teeth until the child learns how to do it by himself. Parents should also be well-informed about the various oral health care techniques and preventive measures, so they can guide their children and help them accomplish their goals.

Sugary and sweet foods can cause tooth decay and are difficult to remove from the child’s teeth, resulting to cavities and plaque build up. Since children are easily attracted to these types of foods, they should not be allowed to eat whatever they want. Parents should put limits to their children’s sugar intake. Though your kid’s baby teeth will eventually fall out and will be replaced with permanent teeth, they are still an important part of your child’s overall oral development and health.

Ensure your child is getting enough fluoride to help their teeth resist decay and strengthen the enamel. This can be done by either drinking optimally fluoridated water or getting a treatment from the dentist. If needed, you can also ask your dentist for supplements. Also, consider dental sealants. These are bonded to the child’s teeth by the dentist. These provide the child’s teeth an extra layer of protection against cavities. Moreover, teach your child how to brush and floss their teeth properly and regularly. Find ways to make flossing and brushing fun for your kids and encourage them to practice a good oral health regimen.

Overall, maintaining an oral health requires a combination of personal and expert care. Always bear in mind that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

About this Article: This article has been provided by East Coast Orthodontics, an orthodontic practice that was established in Dublin, Ireland in 1997. They offer a range of various treatments including traditional braces and teeth straightening services. For more information click here to visit the website.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want kids with healthy teeth.