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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Heroes, you all know very well how insanely busy life can get with kids. In that situation, it’s so very easy to just skip the little details in life. We have to to have priorities, after all. Some things just can’t be attended to as well as we’d like.

Remember the days before kids? When you had time to fix the little details of your world? I remember those.


Things have certainly changed a lot since then. Granted, now that they’re older I have time to take care of the more important details like showering and laundry. But keeping up with pictures? Nope. Not even close. I get the notifications frequently that my friends have changed their profile picture or Facebook cover photo, and I admit to feeling a little guilty about not doing anything with mine. It just takes so much time to figure out!

My latest cover photo was of Keely our dog. She had gotten sprayed by a skunk twice that week, and I decided that public humiliation was a reasonable consequence for her foolishness.

wet soapy dog sitting in utility sink

According to my records she accomplished this feat in July of 2011. I uploaded the picture to Facebook long after that, but it has still easily been a year. Oops.

Details. They’re just so hard to manage sometimes.

I’ve thought for a while that I should update my images but taking the time to do that…to figure out a good replacement photo that sends the right message (beyond abject humiliation of a canine)…that’s not always easy. I start to ponder, then get overwhelmed and busy and just skip the whole thing.

That’s why the offer to find my top ten favorite winter covers from 99covers.com was so interesting. Anyone can use their images as a cover photo for free. You do have to answer a survey question or two, but I didn’t find them to be very intrusive. And I’m usually pretty suspicious of that sort of thing.

So! Here are my top ten winter cover photos from 99Covers.com. Enjoy.

winter collage cover by 99covers.com

I can see a lot of my mom friends liking this one. Looks like warm toasty coffee or hot chocolate that you can enjoy while the kids are playing outside.

snow heart cover photo by 99covers.com

I might switch to this one in February. I like the way the heart looks like glass against the snowy ice.

winter snow collage photo from 99covers.com

If you’re a fan of winter, here’s a great way to enjoy pics of the best outdoor activities for that season. I’m not as fond of being cold, but still liked this collage quite a bit.

armenia gyumri photo by 99covers.com

This one is so ethereal and artistic. Love it.

winter dolls photo by 99covers.com

Totally different take on life with this one. I like it though! So cheerful.

snowflakes facebook cover by 99covers.com

This one definitely fits what we’ve been seeing here in Michigan. Snow and ice. In fact, the ice storm we got about ten days ago caused some of my trees to bend over almost to the ground. Then on Friday it suddenly warmed up enough to cause the ice to crack and fall off the trees. It’s one of the stranger things I’ve seen, and dangerous. Shards of ice were literally raining down off of the branches, some of them from 40 and 50 feet up. I’m glad the boys had chosen to play out in open spaces at the time!

mountain winter resort by 99covers.com

I know I just told you I’m not so fond of cold. This picture, though, could change my mind. Tell me you don’t want to go there. I want to go there. What a beautiful place!

snowing facebook cover by 99covers.com

I could see my boys enjoying this one. It just seemed like an image the Captain would wear on a tee shirt.

snowy frost tree photo by 99covers.com

This one was almost my favorite. Then I thought about the raining ice shards and thought it would be better to wait for another day.

winter 3 facebook cover by 99covers.com

I finally decided to use this one for my facebook cover. For now. It’s just right in terms of reflecting the season but not making me too cold when I look at it. And I just like it.

Getting it to my page was easy. I clicked the Use as My Facebook Cover button, and then answered the survey questions that were posed. They weren’t overly personal (I don’t like it when sites ask personal questions) and then the picture was loaded to my photos page. From there I just opened the picture within Facebook, clicked on options, then on make my cover photo, and saved. et Voila! All done.

You can see more than just these ten photos at 99covers.com. There are hundreds. Organized into categories for easy browsing, there are photos for every taste. If you use one, feel free to let me know in the comments. I’ll come on over and ooh and ahh for you.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to have easy Facebook cover photos.