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Summer vacation is a great break for kids, but for parents sometimes it does not seem like a break at all. With kids home from school, days of whining about being bored can lead to a long summer. If you want to have an awesome summer that both you and your children will enjoy, there are some steps you can take now to plan ahead and avoid all the whining and boredom.

Plan for the Rainy Days
raindrops on window with tree showing outsideWhen we think summertime, we think sunshine. But truth be told, you might find yourself trapped in the house due to too much rain or even intense heat. Search online for some rainy day activities and stock up on the supplies you will need. Find craft projects that match the ages and interests of each of your children so that they don’t get bored. Make sure you also have other indoor activities on the list in case you get bored at home.

Research Local Venues and Events
Go online now and check out what is going on around town. There are usually art festivals with kid craft stations or free days to museums scheduled throughout the summer. Plug those into your calendar alongside your bucket list days. Now instead of long stretches with not a whole lot going on, you will see a lot of options to choose from. Find any local sites that you haven’t seen yet as well. Take your children to the aquarium or the local zoo to learn more about animals.

Make a Bucket List
Sit down with your kids and brainstorm things you really want to do this summer. While going to Disney World might be out of the budget, you will be surprised what kids are looking forward to. Splashing in the sprinkler, making homemade ice pops, and manning a lemonade stand might be higher on the list than you think. Maybe your kids want to host a garage sale or make homemade ice cream. Once you have the list down, start gathering supplies in advance when you see good deals. If your kids love swimming, you can find a great deal on a small pool from last season and order pool times online from The Swimming Pool Store.

Hit the Library and the Bookstore
The library will be full of summertime events, but they can help you fill the time at home, too. Most systems will have a summer reading program with incentives for kids to read a certain number of books. Check out the bookstores, too. Even if you don’t have money to spend there, the summer reading programs are free and sometimes the reward is a free book. Reading is a great way to fill the hours, and the incentives will get your kids motivated to dive into a book.

Set Up the Rules BEFORE Summer Starts
Some kids look forward to never-ending television time and no responsibilities. If you have a different idea of what summer should look like, tell them now. Lay down the limits on television and outline chores so you don’t have a battle on your hands when school ends. Have you kids keep up with their math and reading by setting a goal for math worksheets and books read. Encourage them to sit down with flashcards. Summer is a great time to have fun, but it’s also a time when many kids get behind on their educations.

Armed with these tips and a little bit of planning and prep, you will be set up for a wonderful summer vacation.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want great summer vacations with their kids.