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Entering college is an exciting and a stressful time for your daughter. She gets to live on her own, make big financial decisions, and start working toward the life she has always dreamed about. You can help put your college-bound daughter on the path to success by sitting down and helping her set goals. Take a look at these four areas of goals to focus your time.

Academic Goals

Some people have an easier time in college than others. The most important thing is getting through school and getting that coveted diploma. Help your daughter set academic and career goals that are attainable. For instance, if she wants to become a nurse practitioner, she’ll need to work towards a nursing degree. But if she wants to become a teacher, she’ll need to enroll in the college of education.

Here are some important academic goals:

  • Choosing a major
  • Getting good grades
  • Studying for classes
  • Taking the right courses
  • Finding a job or internship

Financial Goals

Most college students rely on their parents for financial support, at least to some degree. However, the ultimate goal is to establish financial independence. Therefore, before your daughter enters college, help her create a budget to learn money management skills. This will help your daughter to manage her own money after she graduates and finds a job. It also helps her learn the difference between needs and wants and how to exercise self-control.

Here are some important financial goals:

  • Creating a budget
  • Shopping for food and clothing
  • Getting a credit card
  • Paying the bills
  • Applying for loans and scholarships

Relationship Goals

College is the most popular time for people to find love and start serious relationships. So, talk to your daughter about relationships to prepare her for problems. Make sure she knows how to prevent pregnancy, get out of bad relationships, and find the right kind of partners. Additionally, help your daughter set goals to improve her self-esteem so she can develop healthier relationships.

Here are some important relationship goals:

  • Learning dating etiquette
  • Finding healthy relationships
  • Balancing social life with school life
  • Preparing to make relationship commitments
  • Understanding how to prevent pregnancy

Lifestyle Goals

With so many changes happening at the same time, it’s important to help your daughter set lifestyle goals for college. For instance, it’s common for college students to gain significant weight during their first semester or two — it’s called the “Freshman 15.” So, help your daughter establish healthy eating habits and incorporate an exercise routine. This will make her happier and healthier in the short and long run.

Here are some important lifestyle goals:

  • Making good eating habits
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Making time for exercise
  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Learning to deal with the stresses of adult life

Setting goals is important to college success. These are just a few you can help your daughter set before college. Of course, following through is all up to her. Make sure you’re supportive, but let your daughter make decisions for herself.