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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Holy cow, Internets. Life is spinning by so fast! When we finished the last school year I remember feeling like I was finishing a marathon, and if we could just make it to June things would relax and then I could get a few things done around here.


Soooo, now it’s September and we’re finishing up the second week of school after a summer of chickens and now a puppy and my word, I don’t know where the time went. Anyone else having that experience??

And where did the young men I keep running into around the house come from? When were they authorized to pass on through childhood? I didn’t see the proper forms filed in triplicate. Heck, I don’t think they were filed even in duplicate. What am I supposed to do about that?

The younger boys are almost seven. Thank God they are still happy to be little boys for a while longer. They’re driving me crazy with all the destruction and mayhem, but I love that they’ll go out and play on the swings still. And don’t get me started on the older boys, who are definitely hitting [gasp] puberty. Perish the thought!!!

I’m about 3 weeks behind on comments, but I do read them and am responding. Some of the Readsake giveaway winners never responded so I’ll be doing another drawing and posting that, hopefully today. Also? The blog design contest is already ongoing and a kind commenter pointed out that I haven’t put up my “Vote for Me!” badge. I will try to do that as well.

And boy do I have a lot of blog posts for you. They’re all in my head though, which is a sad thing. Hopefully I’ll be able to find time to start typing them out for you. I think I’m going to have to make quite a firm schedule for myself when it comes to posting, email, comments, and keeping up with other blogs. I had high expectations of starting that this morning, but the puppy was so darn cute snuggling that I didn’t want to set her down to reboot the cable modem which had conked out on me.

That’s it. I should just blame the puppy from now on.

Anyhow….schedules! Discipline! Stop drowning in todo lists!! STAT!

How’s everyone else’s September going?

Earnest Parents: help for parents who have had a busy summer.