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Toddlers. They can be a fearsome thing some days, especially when you get into the whole “eating” thing. One day they only want to have waffles, the next day they only want to have…waffles. I remember when my sister was expecting her youngest child, she said on more than one occasion that the baby stage wasn’t too frightening (her oldest was already 14 by then), but the toddler phase? Terrifying.

Sadly, toddler diets are getting poorer, as families are getting busier and life is just more stressful in general. Add in the “on the go” nature of life these days, and you quickly find young children who are not getting even half of the healthy foods they should.

I was blessed to speak with Michelle Dudash, registered dietitian. Michelle shared with me the concerns about toddlers and what they’re eating nowadays, as well as offered solutions that should make life easier (and healthier) for toddlers.


Earnest Parenting: Help for parents of toddlers. Who need help.