Every now and then people send me links to helpful articles so I try to publish a roundup of said links every now and then. (Yes, I just began and ended a sentence with the same phrase. You’re welcome.) So! Here are the links for July.
Coleen says, “We posted an article titled 10 Concerns Parents Should Have About Computers in Kids Rooms.”
Melissa writes, “We’re excited to share with you an article 10 Disadvantages to Allowing Kids to Have Cell Phones in Schools was recently published on our blog.”
And! In a fascinating twist, Melissa also has this post: 10 Advantages to Allowing Kids to Have Cell Phones in Schools.
Christine reports, “We just posted an article, What Age Should Parents Allow Their Kids to Join FaceBook and Why?
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to find great resources online.
Photo provided courtesy of williac via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.