by Amy LeForge | May 16, 2009 | Organizing
Good news, Internets! After more hours than I care to admit, I have finally finished the last of the Christmas stockings for the boys. This was one of those “seemed like a good idea at the time” ideas: 4 of those felt and sequin stocking kits you can get...
by Amy LeForge | Feb 23, 2008 | Organizing
This is
by Amy LeForge | Nov 16, 2007 | Organizing
My Friday post at ForeverParenting is all about storing clothes and keeping them smelling great. There’s a sewing and a no-sew solution to the plastic smell clothes can get when you keep them in totes for a long time. My sister gave me a great idea when we...
by Amy LeForge | Nov 7, 2007 | Organizing
Another big and often overwhelming source of paper is kids’ schoolwork. There are a few things you can do to manage the oceans of paper that sneak into your home via the backpack. First, decide whether you’re going to keep it all or just a few select...
by Amy LeForge | Nov 5, 2007 | Organizing
Okay, here are some tricks to stopping the junk mail from hitting your mailbox in the first place. Credit card offers: you can opt out for 5 years or permanently at You can also choose to opt back into offers should you change your mind in the...
by Amy LeForge | Nov 1, 2007 | Organizing
Paper comes at us from all directions, doesn’t it? I know I’ve had my share of piles over the years. Okay, to be honest I still have piles. One to file, and one to go through (crazy mail carrier! Keeps bringing me more paper.) Here are some strategies to...