Sorta. Actually there are waaaaaay more than four. 🙂 Robert at Reason 4 Smile tagged me for a meme. It’s been a while since I did one, and today seemed like a nice day for a game, so here goes.
4 jobs I have had:
- barn cleaner
4 movies I can watch over and over
Ummmmm, hmmm. Over and over….don’t know. Here are 4 movies I’ve seen recently.
- Enchanted
Horton Hears A Who
Evan Almighty
4 places I have lived
- Michigan
I’ve lived in a dozen different places, but all within the state.
4 TV shows I love
- Flip This House
Dr. Who
Stargate SG-1
Law and Order
4 places I have been on holiday (or vacation, as we say in the States)
- California
4 of my favorite dishes
- Spicy peanut pasta
Chicken satay
Avocado with hummus, feta cheese, couscous, and tomato
4 web sites I visit daily
- Earnest Parenting
Google reader
My webmail page
4 places I would rather be now
- Hawaii
On the road with Hubby and the boys traveling (LOVE to travel)
4 bloggers I am tagging
- Quiltcetera
The Writing Journey
Earnest Parenting: sharing fun memes with parents.
Wow, we have many in common =) 2 movies and 1 food =)
The satay you mentioned, is it cooked in asian style?
Robert, I think it would qualify as Asian. It has peanut butter, sesame oil, garlic, and green onions as I recall. I only make it every few months and freeze the sauce because I love it so much. 🙂 I loaned my recipe to a friend so I don’t have it in front of me to see the ingredients. I usually throw the sauce and chicken into a skillet and cook it, although it’s supposed to be grilled and the sauce just brushed on. I like the stronger flavor from cooking it my way.
Seems that it is Asian style. I’m quite surprised that you really love asian food =)
Btw, Amy, hope you check this out. I just launched my very first group writing project. Please consider to contribute, thanks!
Project Reason-4-Smile: Our Friends
Hi Amy!
I just happened to be reading your blog yesterday and what a surprise! You tagged me!
Thanks a lot, it was fun! Hope you are having a fabulous time at the conference,
Hi Brady, just read your post. You’re so funny! Thanks for playing the meme game.
Robert, did you think that a midwestern US girl like me wouldn’t like Asian cuisine? 🙂 Truth is, I won’t eat seafood so that does limit me a lot. I love a lot of flavor though, so Asian is great for that. Mexican is as well, and tonight since I’m in the big city I went to a Greek place. It was fun.
Heading over to check out your writing project now.