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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

I haven’t been posting a great deal this week.  There’s nothing wrong, I’m just recovering from the family trip we took last week to Virgina.  There’s lots to tell, and I promise I’ll start writing again tomorrow.

I’ve been working my fingers to the bone making a few changes to the site here, and I also went through and labeled (gulp) 2 years’ worth of digital photos that I’ve been avoiding.  There were hundreds of them.  I got that part all done, and organized them into folders and so on as well.  Just need to back them up onto CD for safekeeping.  Feels good to have some of that job done.  I also need to dig out one more year’s worth of pics that Hubby transferred to the desktop computer a while back.  I’ll get those organized and then I can cross that step off my guilt list.

That begs an interesting question:  Do you have a guilt list?  By that I mean a list of jobs that need to be done, yet you’ve been avoiding?   The photo job has been a gigantic one for me.  Here are the steps I have planned:

  • label all photos
  • move into folders by category
  • copy memory stick onto CD
  • copy photo folders onto CD
  • store CDs
  • learn how to compress pics for use online
  • choose some favorites to print
  • look into e-scrapbooking

Sooooo, I think I’ve made good progress on it, given that we’ve owned the camera for over 3 years and I’ve printed less than ten of the hundreds of pictures taken.  Since I still have to find that last chunk of photos, I’m not crossing off any of my list items yet.  I’ll check back in and update ya’ll as to my progress.

Are you up for a challenge?  Post a comment and list one (or more, if you like) of the items on your list.  For bonus points, break it down into baby steps and tell when you think you can finish just the first one.

Earnest Parenting: tips on getting organized.