My weekly post is up at Forever Parenting. Got any suggestions for beating the winter blahs? I’d love to hear them!
For the half of the planet that’s in the depths of winter, this is the time of year when the cold, dreary days can really get to you. Add to that the after-Christmas letdown, and it’s easy to have some pretty grumpy days. Here are some of the tricks we’ve been using lately to try and keep ourselves motivated.
Kids in charge of lunch day: today’s fare included air-popped corn that had a chopped up cookie (it was chocolate-covered) drizzled over the top. Also featured were peanut butter marshmallow sandwiches, and a special sandwich ‘taco’ consisting of bread and marshmallow for the individual who can’t stand his food to touch. Peanut butter was served on the side.
Get dressed as soon as you can after breakfast. Staying in jammies can make it easier to slump down on the couch
Go out to lunch
Donut day: this one’s a biggie. Hubby has a men’s prayer meeting on Tuesday mornings, and he always stops back home with donuts for us before going to work.
Rearrange the bedroom furniture to make it feel like the children have whole new rooms. (warning, this can annoy the spouse if you take it too far)
Dig out the art supplies and get creative.
Burn a great-smelling candle. For bonus points, have the kids choose the fragrance.
Cook a meal you’d normally eat in summer.
Rent a few movies and have a movie night.
Break out some of the toys you bought for cheap before Christmas.
So how about it? Got any great ways to beat the blahs? I need some new ideas, everyone.