A member of my homeschooling group put out an invitation for a field trip to a ballet performance of Don Quixote at the end of the month. I’ve never taken the boys to a play or ballet because I didn’t believe they’d sit and enjoy it. But this sounded like the ideal first exposure…short, about a man, and a matinee performance with other kids in the audience. So I decided we should go.
Then I told the boys that I’d signed us up to see a ballet and was shocked at their reaction. Faces crumpled up in horror, and the two older ones were nearly in tears when I figured it out.
“I signed us up to SEE a ballet. Not to BE in one.”
Everyone was very relieved. I retired to another room to laugh.
Image courtesy of davidyuweb via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who might not want their children to learn ballet.
Thanks for sharing this experience. It was hilarious !
I can’t see myself being in that situation. Good to know all of you enjoyed it.
I dream of being a ballet dancer when I was a kid.
Nadia from table basse aquarium
Nadia, if only you’d seen the looks on their faces! It still makes me laugh all this time later.