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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Today is National Take Your Daughter or Son to Work Day. Or maybe it’s Son or Daughter….I forget. Anyway, it’s take them to work day, so Hubby took the older boys this morning and off they went. His employer has a program for them in the morning, then they’re going to be coming home later on this afternoon.

The younger boys accompanied me to the sawmill to buy some mulch and enjoyed a couple of shows on the television that are actually written for children their age. It was neat watching them enjoy young stuff instead of trying to keep up with the older ones all the time. They do miss their big brothers and are fairly well convinced that life is boring with only 2 kids here. My favorite was when Hubby called home to check in and The Mercenary wanted to get on the phone with the littles to chat. They’re so cute.

As soon as I’m finished writing this, I’m going to dry my hair and bustle the kiddos out the door. We’re going to the city to do a couple of errands, then I’m going to surprise them with a visit to Chuck E. Cheese (a pizza place with kid play area for those of you who aren’t familiar with the phenomenon. I don’t know how big the chain is.) The older boys have assured us they’re fine with missing that, which is also very sweet. And, the surprise will make up for The Manager’s extreme disappointment. He thought he heard me say we were going to see my parents and didn’t hear me correct that several times. When I finally got him to understand he was bitterly disappointed. Poor little fella. I think ol’ Chuck will solve that problem.

Talk to you later, Internets! Happy day!

Earnest Parenting: taking children to work today.