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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

With the onset of warm weather, the boys are anxiously awaiting the day when the pool is set up and ready to use. Hubby and I have made an effort to make the back yard a fun place to be, with swings and a sandbox, the pool, and this year we added a new feature: a teeter totter.

Well. We had one that is much smaller, but that has been outgrown. When I saw this one in the store over the winter I just knew it would be an amazing addition to the yard.

Sure enough, the boys love it.

The first day after we assembled it, the little guys went out and played on it for an hour straight. Since then, the teeter totter has been the source of a great deal of adventure. It’s a purchase I’m thrilled with.

Fast forward to this weekend, when we dragged the pool up out of the basement and started setting it up in the yard. Of course, after we’d got it set up and started filling there was a huge frost warning for last night. Lol. That’s weather in Michigan. I filled it partially, then hoped for the best. Fortunately, there was no freeze so filling continued this afternoon. Here’s a shot of it today:

After dinner we all went out to play in the yard for a while. When Hubby took the boys in for snack I spent a few minutes checking the yard for stray balls and bats to put away.

I glanced around the yard one last time before going in, and that was when it hit me.

Well here. Take a look for yourself.

Do you see what I mean? Right there….see it?

Internets, if I hadn’t noticed there’s no telling what could have happened.

You do see it.


Boys…teeter totter…pool…I can only imagine what they would have done with that setup.

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