One of the benefits of having kids is being able to tease them. Come on…you know you love it too! An old standby for Hubby and I is the “What’s for Dinner” conversation. It goes something like:
child: What’s for dinner?
parent: Food.
child: What kind of food?
parent: The kind you eat.
child: (sighs) I mean, what are we going to eat tonight?
parent: Food.
I’m tellin’ ya, it’s possible to string this one out for a good long time. Heh, heh, heh. As long as the child leaves the question open you can talk in circles. We don’t let it go to the point of frustration or anything, just enough to get a laugh and a hug.
Ooo, and then there was the time that The Mercenary showed up to give me a message from Hubby who was down in the basement. As it happened, I’d heard Hubby give him the message so I had time to think. As soon as my poor unsuspecting son finished passing on the information, I asked him to go back and tell his father, “The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.”
Honestly, when I came up with the plan I thought he’d figure out that I was teasing and give me a good eye roll on his way out to play. Instead, he had me repeat the line 3 times so he could get it, then headed down and repeated it to his father clearly enough that Hubby understood. He of course started laughing at which point The Mercenary realized he’d been had.
Fun times, Internets. Fun times.
Have you got any funny stories or games you play with your kids? Share with the group, won’t you please?
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who love to tease their children.
Lol, games with the kids are always fun. Our oldest has a habit of asking ridiculous questions that we could never know the answer to. We’ll usually flip the table on him and start asking him goofy questions until everyone is laughing.
Hi Derek, great strategy! How old is your oldest again?
I’ve long wanted to master the art of double-speak just to bug the children. Sadly, I have no clue. Hubby is pretty good at confusing them when he wants to. Usually he does it to distract if a boy asks for something and Hubby doesn’t feel like saying no. He’ll just talk in circles until the child has forgotten what he asked for, at which point Hubby nods cheerfully, says “Love you, Buddy” and sails off into the sunset.
Our oldest is 9 right now, turns 10 in October. The funny thing is that even his younger brother, who will be 7 in a few weeks, gets in on the fun.
Is it sad that I use the neverending dinner conversation on my girlfriend? I mean she figures it out much quicker, but it is always good for a nice chuckle.
By the way, this is my first time here and I love the superhero caricatures. Very creative.
🙂 Glad you liked it, Watch Anime Online.
Webkinz, as long as your girlfriend doesn’t mind it I guess you’re okay. Thanks for the compliment on the caricatures! I love them too.
My fiances 9 year old son has recently come to live with us and I seem to get the same question at dinner time. Lol.
Another one I like is when we get in the car and he asks where we are going. I usually tell him “There and back to see how far it is!”
Kel, I like your style! LOL. I have used the “just to make you ask us about it” answer to Why questions before.
It’s hard to resist sometimes, I remember after buying our dog some special dog chocolates i told our kids the dog gets chocolate, and you dont because it knows how to behave. I learnt my lesson when to my horror later that day i caught them all eating the dogs chocolates.
Pinoy that’s hilarious! I didn’t see that one coming, lol.
It’s really funny. I have 4 years old daughter who is sometimes very naughty that’s why we talk always in circle. She always keep asking everything.
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Charise, I don’t know if it’s more fun to run circles around them and get away with it, or see the look on their faces when they suddenly realize they’ve been had. Both ways are good for some laughs!