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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

8:00 am – two little boys climbed into my bed for snuggle time. Fell asleep.

8:30 am – Announced that we really had to get moving and have breakfast because today is Tuesday and that means morning piano lessons.

9:00 am – Asked The Manager and Captain Earthquake to get out their printing books and start on their page. Then told them that it would be nice to finish their math up before we needed to leave. “Leave?? Where are we going???”

“Piano lessons,” I told them.

9:14 am – Finished going over math assignment with The Mercenary. Told him that he had about 25 minutes to work on it before we needed to leave. “Leave?? Where are we going???”

“Piano lessons,” I told him.

9:20 am – finished printing with little boys, asked them to pull out their math books. Lots of playing took place. Reminded boys that we were on a schedule today and asked them to fill out their calendars. We needed to finish at least something before we left. “Leave?? Where are we going???”

“Piano lessons,” I told them.

9:38 am – Told littles that we’ll have to finish math when we got home, called older boys to get ready to leave. “Leave?? Where are we going???” asked TechnoBoy.

These lines on my forehead? They’re not wrinkles.


They’re the imprint of the brick wall I’ve been beating my head against.

Earnest Parenting: help for parents who occasionally lose their minds.