So, I’m in the middle of reading a blog post or two while the boys get their books out for afternoon lessons. TechnoBoy and The Mercenary have decided for some reason to work on their physical humor. This includes pretending to hit a post and falling to the floor, pretending to hit one another, and (my personal favorite) making vomit noises.
Being the only female in the house, I’ve been forced to mention many times that while certain males may appreciate rude noises and gestures, females do not. It’s a monologue they’re quite familiar with.
When the vomit noises started, I looked up and said something along the lines of, “The vomit noises…come on guys.”
That’s when TechnoBoy asked innocently, “What, they don’t sound real enough??”
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who are outnumbered.
Yup. We can never change that boys will always be boys.
Nice Site layout for your blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you.
Thats very true. They will never be changed.
Doing Business in the Philippines, I was hoping that perhaps they’d at least be boys somewhere else…where I can’t hear the disgusting noises. Too much to hope for? 😉
Hectic Capiznon, thanks.
Selena I can deal with boys being boys. Just somewhere….else. LOL.
The boys are so funny, L.O.L. 😀
hehe, boys are boys. they have their own stuff and so are we.
It’s not just boys anymore. Raised on Captain Underpants and Psycho Butts, my daughter is a budding master of the disgusting and vile.
know what you mean here.. Liitle boys will be boys, grown up boys will be boys:P
boys always do that… i love boys for this 🙂
Still, im sure your boys are cute.
I’m sure you have lively and lovely boys.^_^
I can relate! Not only do my boys think it’s funny to make their stuffed animals fart, but it genuinely cracks my husband up.
Well, Boys sometimes are annoying but still they are cute.
that sounds just like my to little brothers:P
huh, they are boys and you can’t change that.. better look in a quite place huh.. nice blog.. thanks for sharing.. Good luck..
Raymond, glad you got a chuckle. 🙂
how to get rid of pimples, yea…that’s true. Of course, we girls are superior, right? 😉
Sandra I’ve heard of Captain Underpants, but not the other one. Sounds like I should keep it that way.
family tents I think you hit the nail on the head!
Boba Tea shhhhh don’t tell them but I laughed because they’re awfully cute.
office space makati, thanks!
call center seats makati, yes, i do. 🙂
Shelia, boys will be boys no matter what the age!
makati commercial for rent, agreed
mic, should I feel sorry for you? lol
doing business in the Phillipines you’re right. thanks.
Having nice Site layout for your blog.The boys are so funny!!!!
Cheap Stickers, thanks! I think they’re pretty funny too, most of the time.
I think I’d take vomit noises over fart noises. That’s the in thing with my set right now. It’s all fun and games til someone makes a real one.
Sunny LOL! You have my sympathy. Although a real fart isn’t as bad as a real vomit.
hehe no comments.
Boys are boys..its true