Sadly, the WeSeed project has ended.
I’m probably going to be mentioning things I learned at SOBCon09 for a while yet. 😀 But this is a good thing! It was an awesome conference and I came home with so much you won’t even believe it.
Today we’re going to talk about the stock market.
How would YOU like to have a million bucks* to invest in the stock market? You can! Really! And better yet, your kids can have a million bucks* to invest as well.
*It’s all fake money. Fun, but fake. 🙂
All you have to do is head on over to WeSeed and set up an account. From there, you can buy and sell (fake) shares in the companies of your choice. A really great feature is the fact that companies are organized by category, so it’s easy to choose your own interest and find a company in which to invest.
Once you choose a company it’s easy to see performance information and decide whether to buy or not. If you’re a little nervous about stocks and investing, there’s a whole education section that is helpful.
I was extra pleased that WeSeed was a SOBCon09 sponsor because investing in the stock market has long been something I wanted to teach the boys to do. WeSeed just launched several months ago and if they hadn’t sponsored the conference I might not have heard about them.
I’d always envisioned giving the boys some seed money when they were 13 or 14 and letting them buy a share or two and try their hand at investing. Now, I can let them start right away because it’s free, well-organized, and it’s on the computer. The whole system is tied to the stock market, so WeSeed is a great way to practice investing without risking any actual dollars.
So? What are you waiting for? Head on over and sign up for an account. And let me know how you do! So far I’ve lost $82.90, but the markets went down today so we’ll see how tomorrow goes.
This blog post was written as part of the WeSeed SOBCon competition. Other than entering the contest I receive no material benefit for writing about WeSeed. I think it’s a fantastic program; I wouldn’t have blogged about it otherwise.
Earnest Parenting: advice for getting the best out of education.
What a wonderful educational means for stock investing. I for one, really don’t know much about investing, and this would be an excellent, risk free way to learn! Thanks for posting about this!
That’s a great way to reinforce Math skills! I’ll definitely add this tool to our Instruction Plan for next year. Thanks!
Investing is such a valuable tool to teach at a young age. I wish my parents would have clued me in before I was in my late twenties. My son is 5 and he knows exactly what to do with the money he gets for various things (ie) birthday money, chores money etc. He takes what ever money he gets and he puts half in his spending jar and the other half in his savings jar. Then I ask, “Now what do we do with the money we save?” He answers, “Invest it”. Not that he really understands what investing means yet but I’m planting the seed. No pun intended.:)
This is so great. I didn’t know about WeSeed and I’m excited to try it. It will help me to learn how to invest and to keep my savings. thanks!
I agree to them, this is a good educational way to the children as well as referring to all the experiences in which students can learn something.
Its so funny and amazing.
Hundreds of thanks to you as I like this type of stuffs or a game instead.
This is really a great way to give such xperiences of inesting to the children. It really makes understand about investing.
A wonderful way to learn about the stock market. It would really teach valuable stuff about investments and shares, and building up a good, solid stock portfolio. This is really good stuff, I’m definitely checking WeSeed out. Thanks!