No really. I mean it. The Global Hug Tour is a project conceived by Gail Lynne Goodwin and her husband Darryl. I met Gail at SOBCon09 (seriously. I still have SO much material from that one conference) and she is wonderful. Gail’s main blog is InspireMeToday, which offers daily inspiration in the form of videos, interviews, and articles.
The Global Hug Tour is a plan to literally fly around the world, stopping in 45 locations. At each location the goal is to hug 2000 people. That’s right! The goal is to hug a hundred thousand people.
If you visit the Global Hug Tour site, you can sponsor a hug for $10 USD. Each hug is assigned a number. Then when Gail and Darryl get to official hug locations, each hug recipient is given a sticker with that number and they can log on to the Global Hug Tour site to find out who sponsored their hug. In addition, the actual hug sponsor dollars are delivered to important causes along the tour.
For example, 2 hugs can cover a year’s worth of education for a child in Siem Reap, Cambodia. A hundred hugs will save the life of a child in Chennai, India at the Children’s Heart Foundation. Hugs will also go to the Women’s and Children’s Fund in New York City and 42 other places along the tour. A complete list of stops is on the Global Hug Site.
It looks like the tour has changed a bit since I first learned about the concept. Gail’s latest post on the subject says that the tour will be split over continental zones. The North American leg of the tour will launch in the fall of 2009 with other legs to follow.
Hey, if you buy a hug, wouldja let me know? It’d be neat to hear who actually got your hug and if you get to connect with them directly. Also, if you know of anyone who would like to sponsor the tour I know Gail and Darryl would love to hear from you.
Earnest Parenting: help for people who want a hug.
That’s a very cute cause. And I do want a hug too! 🙂
Have a great day.
Thanks for the post. What a good project. The idea of hugs is very creative. I guess this will be very popular. We all need it. As for me hugs inspire me, I cant live without them.
Thats a very good project, a hug can take al your tensions away.
Beautiful project. Good luck to the couple.
.-= Rahul´s last blog ..Instructions to update to wordpress 2.8 without any down time and trouble =-.
Online Printing, if they happen to come to your town you should definitely get a hug from Gail! She’s truly a ray of sunshine.
Single Maria, me too! I love hugs from all my boys the most. I hope that the Hugs Tour accomplishes its goals, that’s for sure.
Satish Gandham, very true. We all need hugs every day.
Rahul, nice to meet you. I’ll be over to read your update instructions shortly. 🙂
I did a search on global hugs as this is my company name and found this site. What a wonderful way of raising money whilst hugging. Do let me know the outcome.
International Hug Week is 1-7 May so maybe we can collaborate next year.
Warm hugs
((( x ))) this is a virtual hug symbol