Yesterday was a special occasion: Hubby’s and my 14th wedding anniversary. This fact continues to amaze me…I cannot possibly be old enough to have been married that long. Right??
Okay, maybe I am old enough. But shhhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone.
Today, then, is the first day of our 15th year together. I thought I’d take the opportunity to say that I still know I’m married to the best man on the planet (sorry girls, he’s all mine) and I couldn’t be more blessed. Or grateful.
Honey, you’re my best friend and I couldn’t imagine living life without you. You’re such a great dad and a wonderful family man. Your continued unselfishness and love amaze and inspire me. I love you very much and I look forward to many more years together, Lord willing.
Happy Anniversary, sweetie.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents celebrating many anniversaries.
Image courtesy of M Glasgow via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
That is so sweet!
Happy 14th Wedding anniversary to you and hubby *cheers* Here’s to many more blissful years of married life for you both!
A very happy anniversary to the two of you!
O.K. One question… where’s that cake?? I’ve been in the fridge. It’s not there!!! As our boyz irritatingly love to say, “What the?”.
Love you too. I don’t think our two sets of twins could’ve asked for a better mother, teacher, disciplinarian and queen.
14 years, huh?… I didn’t think I married an under-aged girl. Odd… seems like your parents would’ve had a difficult time with that one.
You’re wonderful and again, I love you too.
Thanks, guys!
Hubby, I have no idea what cake you’re talking about. Not me [smacking lips]…..nope. Not a clue [cleans fork]. Guess it’s just a figment of your imagination.
A very happy anniversary to the two of you!!! Have a great life.