So yesterday was a fun day for us here at Earnest Parenting. We spent our first day as a family at an amusement park. After a slow start, a good time was had by all. Certain individuals came home with mild sunburn, and after an extremely late night I’m letting everyone sleep in. Shhhhhhhh! Don’t wake them up. They might be grouchy.
While we’re all being quiet, how about a little Fun For Your Friday?
Dave Dann presents Slap, Punch, Throw posted at RelaxOn Video Blog.
Casey Markee presents 16 Unbelievable Shopping Disasters Caught on Tape posted at ShopGala Blog, saying, “Don’t become a statistic, check out the following 16 Unbelievable Shopping Disasters Caught on Tape and make it a point to be “nicer” to your fellow man this holiday shopping season. The life you save may well be your own!”
MummyT presents 10 Ways to Tell Your Child Has Been in Asia A Long Time « Travels with a Nine Year Old posted at Travels with a Nine Year Old, saying, “Children change when they’re travelling long term. In ways you might not have expected…”
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Tricky Limerick posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog.
Carrie Oakley presents 15 Famous Authors With Surprising College Majors posted at Online Colleges, saying, “These famous authors didn’t major in writing, or literature, or even journalism. Instead, they enriched their minds taking other, equally challenging classes, and used their experiences to become successful writers.”
Ronnie6676 presents 3 Reasons Why I Can’t Be Your Shrink « The Candy Shoppe posted at The Candy Shoppe Jessica presents Internet Dating #1 posted at ANGR is a Four Letter Word, saying, “Humor, satire, angry rants, and fun”
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to recover from long days.