A buddy of ours agreed to do some roof work yesterday. He brought along his 19 year old nephew to help. All day long, the nephew took directions and carried tools and supplies up and down the ladder at his uncle’s bidding. Late in the afternoon, The Mercenary commented to me, “I feel so sorry for him. He’s been working hard all day long, up and down the ladder.”
I looked at him and asked, “Well, he’s old enough to be out of school What do you think he would be doing all day long?”
The resulting “deer in the headlights” look told me that my suspicions that the boys don’t believe they’re on this earth to work were correct.
I’m going to laugh when their fantasy worldview collides with reality some day. Do you think it would be overkill to dance the “I Told You So” Dance?
Welcome to the October 8, 2010 edition of fun for your friday.
Pamela Jorrick presents Stinkin’ Goats posted at Blah, Blah, Blog.
Good News Weekly presents A Wealthy Dispute posted at Good News Weekly Vancouver.
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Decomposed Limerick posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog.
Danger Davies presents The Dragon in the Bathroom posted at Salt in Your Coffee.
Toni presents Make time for me Mommy! posted at Wifely Steps.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who need to chuckle every now and then.
Image courtesy of Design By Zouny via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.