We spent time with family recently and got quite a laugh courtesy of Captain Earthquake. My brother-in-law was teasing his dad, who called him a stinkpot. (Dad is 86 and more than welcome to call any of us stinkpots; he’s one of the sweetest men on the planet.) Just then the Captain was walking by and commented, “Stinkpots rule.” Couldn’t have been more perfect timing for the comment.
Solidarity forever, Uncle Gene.
Special note and apology to BlogCarnival submitters: For some reason I had boatloads of technical difficulties with this week’s carnival edition. I’m so sorry it’s late and also if I missed your submission! At one point there were 18 posts in the queue and then poof! They disappeared. Hopefully things will go more smoothly this coming week.
Welcome to the December 10, 2010 edition of fun for your friday. Madeleine Begun Kane presents Ode To AWOL Faces On Facebook posted at Mad Kane’s Humor Blog.
switch2life presents Jokes – Page1 posted at switch2life Today.
Image courtesy of subarcticmike via Creative Commons license, some rights reserved.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents of stinkpots everywhere.