Welcome to Fun For Your Friday, Heroes! Here’s my giggle for the week: a couple of the boys were acting a little bit like they were fighting a cold so Hubby decided to give them some vitamins and cold remedy. They’d already gone to bed so he went upstairs to dispense everything. He was gone a loooooong time. I’d started to wonder what was going on when he returned and said simply, “I gave them each a multi-vitamin and a vitamin C. Evidently they taste bad.”
Moments like these are just priceless.
Welcome to the April 22, 2011 edition of fun for your friday. Patti Lecron presents A TASTE FOR LUXURY posted at A French Education, saying, “One way to be sure you don’t miss dinner…”
Kendra Hibler presents Leg Tutus posted at Tutu Divine.
Jennifer Saksa presents Now In 3D posted at NCH Software Blog, saying, “a geeky comic goes 3D and so does an easy home video editing software, VideoPad”
rohit presents Tattoo Designs Art Blog: Funny Tattoos Game Tattoos posted at Tattoo Designs Art Blog.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who need a Friday laugh.