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Encouraging Heroes. You can be one too.

Bright Future International is a charitable organization that helps children develop oral and spiritual values through arts and educational enrichment programs. Just this month, they launched a worldwide initiative to raise funds and awareness of needs in Kenya, Burundi, and Russia.

One example is the story of Immaculate, a young woman in Burundi who is the sole provider for her ten nieces and nephews. Her immediate family was all lost to AIDS and tuberculosis. Immaculate’s roof had fallen in after a rainstorm. She now has her own goat business which provides income, food, and hope for the whole family.

If you click on over to the Bright Future International Facebook page, please like them. Each new Facebook like will result in a $1 contribution being made to help children in Kenya, Burundi, and Russia. Also, get more information about the charity and consider donating directly.