One of the great things about being on the Internet is getting to hear about all the awesome programs for kids that are out there. I just learned about the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge, which is one of Honda’s largest and longest running philanthropic initiatives in the United States.
Beginning in 1989, Honda has awarded more than $6 million in grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The 23rd annual competition took place just a few weeks ago, on April 1 and 2.
Basically, the challenge is a Quiz Bowl kind of competition, with over 75,000 students participating over the years. Many have gone on to careers in science, aeronautics, medicine, government, and industry.
The two final teams competed for the title and grand prize of $50,000 to bring back to their school. This year’s winning team hailed from Morgan State University, and are pictured on the All-Star Challenge home page.
So! If you know a bright young college student from one of the 89 HBCUs in the US, encourage them to join the competition. Additionally, you can try your own skils by playing the HCASC online game. The All-Star Challenge is also on Facebook and Twitter.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who want to know about all the cool programs out there.