If you look back to the early years of this blog, you’ll see a lot of discussion of homeschooling. In fact, my difficulties with homeschooling are a huge part of why I started writing in the first place. I’ve said less in part because it got easier, but mainly because a) the boys are getting older and don’t want me telling as many stories on them and b)two of them now go to public school. So it’s…different. I’ll try to write about that sometime.
Right now though, I want to tell you about a new eBook compiled by Lorilee Lippincott called You Can Do It Too! 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Stories. This book is basically a series of interviews conducted with 25 different homeschooling families about their individual experiences. Questions range from “Why do you do it?” to “What does a typical day look like?” to “Do you ever think about quitting?”
The answers to the quitting question are what interest me the most, and I’m pleased to note that some contributors admit that yes, they think about it. I did too. Heck, I still do! Homeschooling has plenty of blessings, don’t get me wrong. But it’s also difficult. You never get a break from the kids and if there’s any kind of conflict over the schoolwork, that can build. In our case, I talked about quitting plenty. Ultimately neither Hubby or I could bring ourselves to actually quit because we didn’t want to send the boys a message of failure. Instead, TechnoBoy decided he was going to go, and The Mercenary followed this year. We’ve continued to do what we think is best for the family, and this is so far working out best. You wouldn’t believe what kind of parenting I’ve been able to accomplish with the younger boys now that I don’t have so much “help” around here!
The interviews in You Can Do It Too! – 25 Homeschool Families Share Their Story are not identical, in that the questions aren’t always the same in each chapter. This makes it so much more interesting, and pleasant to read. If you are a homeschooler, or know someone who does, this book could be a fantastic encouragement. There’s not really a need to read it through in order; picking out a chapter at random is just as edifying. At over 250 pages, there’s plenty of content there.
Also interesting is this note from the author:
This book isn’t a book comparing homeschool, public school, private school or other education options. We are not going to tell you what is best for you or your kids because we don’t know you or your options. The goal of this book is to let you see the nuts and bolts of what homeschool is and make sure you know it is an option for you.
I wish you the very best in your homeschooling endeavors.
Earnest Parenting: help for parents who need some homeschooling encouragement.
FTC disclosure: I received a free copy of this eBook in order to read and review it. All opinions are my own; I think this book lives up to its promise of encouraging homeschoolers.