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Welcome to the February 22, 2013 edition of parenting link roundup. Arianna Lee presents 20 Blogs with Easy Weekly Meal Plans for Families posted at Part Time Nanny, saying, ““What’s for dinner?” is easily one of the most asked questions in a home. If you wish you had a quick and easy answer to that question, then these 20 blogs are for you.”

Go Green Travel Green presents Vegetarian Kids: Should I Raise My Child Vegetarian? posted at Go Green Travel Green.

Layla Martinez presents How to Avoid Emotional Eating When You Have Kids Who Make Your Crazy posted at Live-In Nanny, saying, “”Eating your feelings” can be a major contributor to excess weight gain and is a seriously difficult habit to break.”

Suz Crawt presents Paleo Toothpaste Recipe posted at The Paleo Network, saying, “Is your toothpaste safe for your children?”

Alaina Moore presents 10 Family Dinners that Cost Under $10 posted at aupair, saying, “As food prices rise and more families encounter sticker shock every time they look at price tags at the grocery store, the idea of feeding your entire family a meal that costs less than ten dollars can seem absurd.”

Marielaina Perrone DDS presents Eat More Fish For A Healthier Smile! posted at Dr. Perrone.com .

Jana presents How To Raise A Child Consciously with Love posted at Wisdom Ink, saying, “How To Raise A Child Consciously With Love: little daily practices that support parents by setting themselves and their child up for success.”

Alaina Morgan presents 10 Meal Prep Shortcuts that Will Save You Tons of Time posted at Nanny Babysitter, saying, “Time is something no one likes to waste, and no one wants to feel like they are spending half of their life in the kitchen, whether it’s to prepare food, eat meals or clean up afterwards.”

Steve Jackson presents 25 of the Most Outrageous Cupcake Flavors Ever posted at Housekeeping, saying, “With boutique cupcake shoppes opening in metropolitan areas and media outlets weighing in on what makes these sweet morsels so trendy, the cupcake is enjoying an undeniable surge in popularity.”

Arianna Lee presents 21 Blogs Featuring Soups That Will Warm Your Soul This Winter posted at Part Time Nanny, saying, “The long winter months usually mean that snow is piling up outside and the air has that crisp chill in it.”

Elizabeth Yarnell presents Rules for Turning Picky Eaters into Adventurous Eaters posted at Effortless Eating, saying, “End food battles with a few simple strategies for encouraging kids to try new foods.”

Molly Skyar presents The Dinner Table Battle: When Kids Won’t Eat What Mom Cooks posted at Conversations With My Mother, saying, “It drives me crazy when my daughter refuses to eat what is served for dinner but then comes back later asking for food. Here’s one solution that’s working for us:”

Earnest Parenting: help for parents interested in food or nutrition.